I'm sorry it has been so long since my last post! It was a busy August, to say the least, and September has gotten off to a running start! But I've got a lot of posting to catch up on, so here is a preview of what is to come:
-I began a personal project, photographing houses on the Texas coast. These houses are built in the middle of the bay, and are fishing lodges. Anyhow, I photographed using some old Polaroid Type 55 film (which unfortunately is discontinued now!). In my little free time, I am scanning in the photos, and I will post a couple soon. I'm very excited about this project, and its potential! Not to mention spending some time on the coast while pursuing these photos...
-This summer's senior portraits were a huge success, and I enjoyed photographing high school seniors from Episcopal High School, Kinkaid and Duchesne. I hope next year to expand to some more schools, but I will be posting my favorite senior portraits from this summer.
-Tintypes! I will be starting to make some more tintypes in the next month or so. The photo teacher at Episcopal High School has asked me to come give another lesson on tintype photography to her class, so I will be mixing some new chemistry and brushing up on my technique. I will keep y'all updated with my successes (and failures!) while trying to further my knowledge of this wonderful antique process.
-Trip to Santa Fe-- My wife and I attended a wedding in Santa Fe, and we had a wonderful time. I'll be posting some of the photos from that trip and from the wedding we went to. I will also talk about a couple of the galleries I went to see.
-Zelda and Henry's Wedding--Zelda and Henry are getting married this Saturday at the Museum of Natural Science! I'm really looking forward to it!
But for now...here are some engagement portraits of Anna and Luke.