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Kelly and Callaway's Wedding


Wow, two posts in one day!  Maybe I'm becoming more reliable with this blog thing...maybe. : )

Here are some of my favorites from Kelly and Callaway's wedding.  Kelly and Callaway married on March 6, 2010, and had a beautiful wedding.  Their ceremony was at First Presbyterian Church, followed by a rockin' reception at La Colombe D'Or.  Enjoy...


This could be my favorite cake shot I've taken.  What an awesome groom's cake!  I let the shutter drag, and gave the camera a little shake in the middle of the exposure to make this gator come alive!  I didn't see any of the children trying to sneak an early bite of this cake...

This is one of my favorites.  Caught 'em red handed, stealing candy.

I found some guys in the back, lighting up some cigars.  The lighting behind them was this awesome lime green.  These were two of my favorite shots I've taken in a while!

The first toss wasn't exactly a success.  As you can see below, the chandelier got in the way of the bouquet...


Congratulations, Kelly and Callaway!

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