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Rachel's Bridal Portraits

In December I photographed Rachel at Briscoe Manor.  She looked beautiful, but we didn't have the best weather.  We photographed in the chapel for a while, taking advantage of the soft window light.  After that space stopped speaking to me, I peeked outside...still not perfect.  We took a couple more outside in front of the chapel, then walked over to where I really wanted to photograph...on top of a little hill.

I placed Rachel on top of the hill, and pulled out my flash to provide a little pop of light.  I made a couple exposures, and then, out of no where, the sun began to creep between the clouds.  It bathed Rachel in this beautiful, warm light.  It was awesome!  Time to put the flash away, and just enjoy the awesome light that the Good Lord delivered (and right on time)!

I had so much fun working with Rachel.  She and Cleve married in January, and I will be posting their wedding soon.  In the mean time, here are some of my favorites from Rachel's shoot.

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