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Yellowstone Academy-Brown Event

Over the coming weeks, this blog is going to blow up with TONS of overdue posts.  We're going to get caught up finally, and I've got a plan to keep us on track and current throughout 2012.  But for the next couple of weeks, we'll be looking back in time...

Like WAY back for this one!  But I just love so many of the details from the shoot, and I certainly love every chance I get to feature Yellowstone Academy and everything they do.  This event was hosted and made possible by Jill Brown of Brown.  She has a fabulous store near River Oaks, and hosted a silent auction event for Yellowstone Academy in...I'm embarrassed to say this because I'm just now posting these photos...November of 2010...

Nevertheless, it was a wonderful event to support the children of Yellowstone!

Here are some of my favorite shots of the night.  Thank you to Brown for hosting such a beautiful and wonderful party, and for supporting the children of Yellowstone Academy.

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